
First a dear friend of my husband and I,  Nicholas Newman 35 years old of Biloxi, Mississippi passed away on Tuesday, January 7th of complications of the flu and pneumonia. A beautiful vibrant and silly friend he was there to have a great time always and make sure you were having a WONDERFUL TIME. He was the light of the party and could make anyone have a good laugh and make you feel like family, oh how I miss him.

Then my husband's uncle Ernesto Green Sr. 72 years old of Upland, California passed away on Thursday, February 27th of a heart attack. A sincere, sweet, honest father of 3. He was a wonderful role model and father figure to all who knew him. I do not think I have ever in my 16 years of marriage seen my husband cry as much as he did. 

& then my daughter's 17 year old friend :"( her death the hardest to cope with... she was young and full of life. Sandra Martinez of Azusa, California. She was loved by many and did not deserve to leave us so young. 

I have been trying to come to terms with death and life but really there are no words that can a heal a broken heart when someone leaves you so unexpectedly. There just is not. I find it somewhat therapeutic when I can speak about it to others and talk about who they were and what they were about. However what has really stressed me out these past months has been my mother. I do not want to lose my mom. 

You tend to take people for granted when they are here in your face everyday... I do not want to be that way with her. 

Long story short my hectic life has finally caught up with my body at 30 years of age. I do not eat right nor do I drink enough water. I have begun to drink RED BULLS on a daily basis and find myself cranky and moody and not being the SUPER MOM title I once held. I have had sleeping issues since I was 7 or 8 years old and this behavior has continued throughout most of my adult hood. I have a brain that does not shut down and at times I feel like I am gasping for air. 

My bad habits have all caught up with me and unfortunately my body has suffered a breakdown. I was hospitalized with fatigue and gastritis. I am tired and my body is extremely tired. But to deal with death, work, kids, wife duties, house duties, my mom, feeling guilty about not visiting more with family is all just so overwhelming I do not know how to cope. I would like to take a vacation away from it all but then all I would think about is work, kids, wife duties, house duties, etc. How does one know when to shut your brain off so that you may rest completely?